About Us

Rainbow River Conservation, Inc

Founded in 1962, Rainbow River Conservation is an all-volunteer organization that has long protected the Rainbow River. RRC sponsors an annual river trash cleanup and duck nest box program and has helped obtain and administer grants to purchase and develop Dunnellon's Blue Run Park and a River Restoration Action Plan. RRC has worked with the city, water management district, and state DEP on measures to enhance the ecosystem. RRC works for changes in state environmental policy to better protect flows and water quality. 

When efforts to work with agencies failed to bring about needed protections, RRC entered into litigation to protect the river’s flow and water quality.

In 2013 RRC produced the Rainbow River Restoration Plan outlining key goals to protect and preserve the river which serves as a key reference to state efforts to improve conditions in the endangered Rainbow springs and river system. RRC wrote a successful proposal to the Florida Forever Program of Florida DEP Division of State Lands for a land acquisition program along the Rainbow River to preserve water quality and natural habitat for the vast array of birds and aquatic wildlife, including endangered species. RRC constructed and maintains 47 Wood Duck boxes on the river, producing more than 4000 chicks in 15 years, and also produced a 6-year survey illustrating more than 60 species of birds in the Rainbow Springs system and participates in “SpringsWatch,” a volunteer citizen-science ecological monitoring program. RRC hosts an cleanup days with hundreds of volunteers and provides volunteers for Marion County Sheriff River Watch Program as well as most Dunnellon city and countywide events. We express our love for the river through action. Join Rainbow River Conservation as a member and volunteer and show your love for the Rainbow River.

Contact Rainbow River Conservation at
[email protected]
PO Box 729, Dunnellon, FL 34430

Board of Directors

President Jerry Rogers
Vice President Bill White
Secretary Raven Siegfried
Treasurer Gretchen Martin

Board Members 
Mary Ann Ermatinger
Linda Wilinski
Michael Boland
Thor Siegfried
Madison McCafferty
Gordon Hart
Herb Reichelt
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